Spiritual Direction
Christian Spiritual Direction is a ministry of listening and focuses on one’s relationship with God. It is also referred to as spiritual companioning. It is an ongoing relationship in which a person (the directee) seeks to be attentive to their spiritual life by meeting with another person (the director) on a regular basis specifically for the purpose of becoming more attuned to God’s Presence in all of life. Contemplative Spiritual Direction involves periods of silence during a session to foster quietness, stillness, and listening to the Holy Spirit.
It is important to note that Spiritual direction is not psychotherapy, counseling or mentoring. It can however complement whatever work is being done in those settings.
"The premise of spiritual direction is that God is always at work in us, continually directing our lives through his Holy Spirit so that we are being shaped into the image of Christ, and by noticing that presence of God at work in us, we can more fully respond to, cooperate with, and grow in graced communion with the Triune God."

Your Part
"The opportunity to tell our story opens us to hear God's story more deeply - God's presence and participation in our lives and in the life of the world."
In spiritual direction, your story has a place to unfold as you discover, notice and respond to the Lord. This spacious place leads to a growing awareness of God’s love for you in all of life.
Whether you seek a spiritual director during a specific season of your life or engage with one as part of your regular spiritual practices, spiritual direction is beneficial in many ways.
What to Expect
The goal of spiritual direction is to help you pay attention to the Lord’s activity as you are formed in his likeness. In an atmosphere of prayerful listening, a trained listener (spiritual director) will accompany you as you share about your spiritual journey. The heart of a spiritual direction conversation is your ongoing relationship with God.
How Often? How Long?
A spiritual direction session usually lasts an hour. Most people come once a month, but the frequency is flexible.